
SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities

SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities


Reduce inequality within and among countries.

Latest News and Events

Latest News and Events

University Commitment

University Policies

University Commitment

University Policies

Student Welfare

UST Student Handbook

Combatting discrimination and harassment

Support for Stakeholders' and Underrepresented Groups' Mental Health

Support for Stakeholders' and Underrepresented Groups' Mental Health

Counseling and Career Center

Get to know about their programs on and the website.

Counseling Services

Each academic unit has dedicated guidance counselors who deliver onsite and online counseling services to students. Apart from accommodating students for meeting and consultations, the counselors also visit the sections at least once a term to roll out tests and provide tips to successfully overcome challenges.

Peer Facilitators

The Counseling and Career Center rolls out the annual Peer Facilitators program, which includes trainings and general assemblies for students in need of academic and psychosocial support.

Health Service

Get to know about their programs on and the website.

Psychological and Psychiatric Services

Apart from the complement of guidance counselors, the University also employs clinical psychologists and psychiatrists who can attend to the needs of students in need. The referral system also exists for students who have external mental health professionals.

Accessible Facilities for the Differently Abled

Accessible Facilities for the Differently Abled

Accessibility Ramps in Building Entrances

The map below marks the accessibility ramps for the various buildings.

Wide Parking for the Differently Abled

Special parking spaces are made available for persons with disabilities in different parts of the campus.

Elevator Access for those with Limited Mobility

Stakeholders with limited mobility are allowed to use the building elevators to facilitate movement. Special permits are issued by the Office of the Vice-Rector for Finance.