
VIZCONDE, Camilla J.

VIZCONDE, Camilla J.

Camilla J. Vizconde is Professor 3 of the ¾ÅÉ« (UST), Manila, Philippines. She is affiliated with the College of Education and the Research Center for Social Science and Education. She was the Chairperson of the Department of English, UST for 7 years and is currently the Assistant Dean of the UST Graduate School. She finished her Bachelor of Science in Education (BSE) major in English in the College of Education, UST; her Master in Education (M. Ed.) major in English as a Second Language (ESL) in the University of the Philippines; and her Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) major in Reading Education also in the University of the Philippines. She has obtained her Teachers of English for Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) certificate from the Regional Language Center of Singapore through a scholarship granted by the Academic Affairs Office of UST. She has authored and co-authored several papers in national and international journals in the fields of Education, Technology, Language Education and Reading Education. She serves as a reviewer for language and literacy journals and is presently the editor-in-chief of The Antoninus Journal, the UST Graduate School’s official journal.


Academic Qualifications

Research Highlights

Research Interests

Academic Qualifications & Eligibility


  • Doctor of Philosophy, major in Reading Education (University of the Philippines – Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines), 2015
  • Master in Education, major in English as a Second Language (University of the Philippines – Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines), 1994
  • Bachelor of Science in Education, major in English (Cum Laude) (¾ÅÉ« – Manila, Philippines), 1988


  • Trainee in Purposive Communication (Commission on Higher Education – Philippines), 2018
  • Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) (De La Salle University – Regional English Language Centre – Manila, Philippines), 2006


  • Licensed Professional Teacher
  • Philippine Board Exams for Teachers Passer, 1993

Research Highlights

  • Initiated research interest groups (RIGS) in language education and literacy
  • Coordinated research for family literacy in connection with UNESCO Adult Literacy Program
  • Granted funding for family literacy, health literacy and intergenerational learning from Global Research Translation Award (GRTA) and Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF)
  • Granted funding for public health research (in collaboration with Kathmandu University) under the UNESCO Chair in Adult Literacy and Learning for Social Transformation

Research Interests

  • Literacy (Digital Literacy)
  • Language Education
  • Reading Education
  • Teacher Training

Courses Handled

Major Recognitions

Professional Activities

Courses Handled

  • Introduction to Linguistics (SEEN 791)
  • Language Research (SEEN 799)
  • Teaching and Assessment of Grammar (SEEN 797)
  • Advanced Academic Writing (ENG 603)

Major Recognitions

  • Silver Series, Research Awardee, ¾ÅÉ«, Manila (2003, 2008, 2010, 2018, 2023)
  • Outstanding Teacher (Associate Professor Category), Dangal ng UST 2012, granted by UST and USTFU, ¾ÅÉ«, Manila

Professional Activities

  • Assistant Dean, ¾ÅÉ« Graduate School (2019-present)
  • Board Member, Philippine Association for Language Teaching, Inc. (PALT) 2018-2023
  • Regular Member, National Research Council of the Philippines (Division 1)

Selected Publications

Selected Publications

  • Vizconde, C. (2022). English Language Programs (Pre-K to 12) impact on Social and Academic Engagements: The Case of a Philippine University. Modern Journal of Studies in English Language Teaching and Literature, 4(1), 76-92.
  • Oda, R. & Vizconde, C. (2021). Nanung epektu na? (What’s the effect?): impact of mother tongue-based multilingual education (MTB-MLE) policy on language use and language attitudes of 5th graders in Pampanga, the Philippines. Asian Journal of English Language Studies, 9(1), 1-20.
  • Vizconde, C. (2019). Preservice teachers’ digital access and reading comprehension of printed and hypertexts. Philippine Journal for Language Teaching, 52(1), 1-18.
  • Salazar, K. & Vizconde, C. (2018). . i-manager’s Journal on English Language Teaching, 8(4), 1-15.
  • Vizconde, C. (2017). Evolving the university language policy from the lens of the administrators: language beliefs and practices of university administrators in the Philippines. KEDI Journal of Education Policy, 14(2), 61-77. [indexed in Scopus and the Web of Science – Social Sciences Citation Index]
  • Vizconde, C. (2016). Conceptualizing the G.E. course, Purposive Communication, for the social sciences and education. The NRCP Journal, 16(1), 101-111.
  • Balanga, R., Fidel, I.V., Gumapac, M.V.G., Ho, H., Tullo, R. M., Villaraza, P.M. & Vizconde, C. (2016). . i-manager’s Journal on English Language Teaching, 6(3), 22-38.
  • Tenedero, P.P. & Vizconde, C. (2015). University English and audit firms in the Philippines: Meeting needs, merging deeds. Business and Professional Communication Quarterly, 78(4), 428-453. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/2329490615596154 [indexed in Scopus]
  • Balanga, R., Fidel, I.V., Gumapac, M.V.G., Ho, H., Tullo, R. M., Villaraza, P.M. & Vizconde, C. (2016). . i-manager’s Journal on English Language Teaching, 5(1), 19-34.
  • De Guzman, M.A.T., Magabilin, C.M.C., Seul, G.P., Hyun, J.S.,, Velasco, R. & Vizconde, C. (2014). . Asian Journal of English Language Studies, 2, 52-75.
  • Vizconde, C. (2012). Stress and coping strategies of ESL (English as a second language) teachers in the Philippines. The Asian Journal of Educational Research and Synergy, 4(1&2), 123-141.
  • Vizconde, C. (2011). When language use doesn’t see eye to eye: Language practices of teachers and students in a Philippine comprehensive university. KEDI Journal of Educational Policy, 8(1), 123-141. [indexed in Scopus and the Web of Science – Social Sciences Citation Index]
  • Vizconde, C. (2006). Attitudes of Mathematics and Science pre-service education teachers in the use of English as a medium of instruction. The Linguistics Journal, 1(3), 1-33.
  • De Guzman, A. & Vizconde, C. (2004). IT entry knowledge and skills of university teachers vis-à-vis their interest levels: The case of the oldest university in Asia. The Asia-Pacific Education Review, 5(2), 88-99.

Latest Paper Presentations

Latest Paper Presentations

  • ²Ï³Ü´ÇÌývadis English teachers?: Teaching English from the Tertiary Level Perspective. Talk given during the PALT National Conference in San Jose Recoletos – Cebu City, May, 2018
  • Are we there yet? Journeying with print and hypertexts – Plenary talk given during the Reading Association of the Philippines (RAP) National Conference in Far Eastern University, Manila April 28-30, 2016
  • Determining the impact of the English language programs to university students in the Philippines – Paper presented during the cultural exchange in Hijiyama University in Hiroshima, Japan, June 7-17, 2017
  • Pre-service teachers’ digital access and reading comprehension of typography and hypertext. Paper presented during the 19th European Conference on Literacy 2015 in Alpen-Adria-Universitat Klagenfurt, Austria, July 13-16, 2015.