
Aquinas Conference III and 12 Leonardo Legaspi, O.P. Lecture

The third Aquinas Conference will be held from February 13-14, 2025 at the ¾ÅÉ«. The theme of this conference is “St. Thomas Aquinas: Doctor of Humanity. Dialogues on Religion, Society, and Becoming Human.â€

This conference is also the St. Thomas Aquinas Forum and the 12th Leonardo Legaspi, O.P. Lecture.

To speak in the conference are Dominican priests frs. John William Emery, O.P., Adrian Adiredjo, O.P., and Nicanor Pier Giorgio Austriaco, O.P.

For more details, .

Registration for the Conference (either onsite or online) is free and is now open until February 10, 2025. You may click this link to register: or scan the QR Code provided on the poster. For inquiries, please contact the Secretariat through Email (aquinasconferences@ust.edu.ph) or Telephone (+63-2-3406-1611 loc. 8659.

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